Why the U.S. Caregiver Crisis Is a Diversity & Inclusion Crisis

Learn more about the intersection of caregivers and marginalized populations.

Caregivers face many challenges and unfortunately, they remain among the most under-supported groups in the U.S. With 53 million caregivers in the U.S., the majority of whom are working, every organization is impacted by this crisis. In this report, we share the heavy impact of the caregiver crisis on marginalized populations.

Here are a few key statistics from the report:

  • Racial minorities are overrepresented as family caregivers, and they’re also less likely
    to leverage paid caregiving resources to ease their own burdens.
  • On average, a woman 50 or older who leaves the workforce to care for an aging parent will lose more than $324,000 in wages and retirement savings.
  • LGBTQ+ individuals take on the caregiver burden at a much younger age on average compared to the general population.

Download the report to learn why the caregiver crisis is a diversity and inclusion crisis.

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