Every year in your role as a human resources or benefits leader, it’s your job to develop a people or benefits strategy that connects your company’s goals to your employees’ needs. In rolling out that strategy, you want to maintain your company’s competitive edge, spend wisely, and make decisions based on available data, especially data provided by your employees. But what do you do when employees are not forthcoming with the data you need to inform your decision making?
In the case of family needs, in particular, how do you justify a caregiver initiative when your employees won’t utter those three little words you need to hear: “I’m a caregiver”?
Torchlight founder & CEO Adam Goldberg, M.Ed., explains some of this challenge, as well as provides five (5) suggestions in his article for Talent Management & HR (TLNT), “The Caregivers Among You Need Help.” He also offers some of the findings from Torchlight’s report Modern Caregiving Challenges Facing U.S. Employees, which provide insight that can help you justify and move forward to support caregivers in your workforce — whether or not they self-identify.
Please read the entire article at TLNT here or download it, as well.